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Tác giả
Hương Cau dịch thơ
Chúc Tết

Tú Xương

Lẳng-lặng mà nghe nó chúc nhau: 
Chúc nhau trăm tuổi bạc đầu râu 
Phen này ông quyết đi buôn cối 
Thiên-hạ bao nhiêu đứa giã trầu 

Lẳng-lặng mà nghe nó chúc giàu: 
Trăm, nghìn, vạn mớ để vào đâu? 
Phen này, ắt hẳn gà ăn bạc 
Đồng rụng, đồng rơi, lọ phải cầu. 

Lẳng-lặng mà nghe nó chúc sang: 
Đứa thì mua tước; đứa mua quan. 
Phen này ông quyết đi buôn lọng, 
Vừa bán vừa la cũng đắt hàng. 

Lẳng-lặng mà nghe nó chúc con: 
Sinh năm đẻ bảy được vuông tròn. 
Phố-phường chật hẹp, người đông-đúc
Bồng-bế nhau lên nó ở non. 

Bắt chước ai ta chúc mấy lời 
Chúc cho khắp hết ở trong đời 
Vua, quan, sĩ, thứ, người muôn nước 
Sao được cho ra cái giống người.

Tet Wishing
by Tran Te Xuong
Be still and listen to people’s wishing each other:
That they could live for hundred years till hair and beard turn white ever
I am determined to start a business in trading of mortars and pestles
Because many of those will be grinding and preparing betel

Be still and listen to people’s wishing of richness:
Where can they store hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of goodness?
Now even their chickens are certainly having money as food to fare
A coin here, a coin there, without their wishing for them to be there.

Be still and listen to people’s wishing of luxury and elegance:
That some can trade for titles, some for mandarin’s position
I am determined to start a trade in getting parasols for sale,
So I still can, while cursing, sell them in great number without fail.

Be still and listen to people’s wishing of abundance of kids:
That their fifth and even seventh birth giving will be fine and complete
Then towns will become crowded with their inhabitants
So crowded that they have to go and dwell in the far mountains.

I have some well-wishing to make in my imitating
That to everyone in this life in their living
To kings, mandarins, scholars, people, and everyone in all nations
That they will somehow attain the true, worthy status of being persons.

Translated from Vietnamese into English by Hương Cau Cao Tân
on 20 July, 2019, in British Columbia, Canada